About MUSK&X

在历史上中国历代皇帝的寿命相对于普通人的平均寿命要短。究其原因,可能是因为他们繁忙的政务,过度操劳,以及过分放纵的性生活所致。皇帝拥有的三宫六院、七十二妃耗尽了他们的体力和精力,最终导致他们比普通人更加短命。 但是,清代乾隆皇帝寿命却很长,他活了89岁。乾隆的长寿在当时令人惊讶,他长寿的消息甚至传到英国皇室。英国皇室甚至派大使到中国来探寻乾隆皇帝长寿的秘密,那时乾隆已是83岁了,可是看上去只有60岁的样子,他还十分健康,在精神上和体力上都压倒了年轻人。当英国大使问到乾隆皇帝长寿的秘诀时,御医们告诉他:“皇上日常所进补之养生补品中,少不了日本淫羊霍与人参肽结合 成独特秘方草药”。

In ancient china. the life expectancy of all emperors in all dynasties is shorter than the average life expectancy of ordinary people. The reason maybe due to their unhealthy working lifestyle, overwork, and excessive sex and alcohol abuse. In the main palace, there is 3 sub palace and six courtyards are owned by the emporor. A total of seventy two concubines is always ready to serve the emperor which led them to have a shorter life span and health of ordinary people.
However, Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty lived a long life, he lived to an age of 89. His longevity was shocking at that time as the average of ordinary people does not even come close. The news of his longevity even reached the British royal family and as a result, the British royal family send ambassadors to China to explore the secret of Emperor Qianlong longevity. At that time, Qianlong was 83 but looked only 60 years old. He was still very healthy and overwhelmed with young mentality and physical appearences. When the British ambassador asked the secret of his longevity, the imperial physician told him “In the health supplements that the emperor uses daily, there is 2 types of ingredients that is never left out which is the Japanese Yin Yang Huo and ginseng peptide combining this two ingredients form a unique secret herbal medicine.”


Product Description

根据2019全球国际统计,全球共有1.52亿男性被男性问题所困挠。德国XY.MORGAN博士研发团队,采用德国XY.MORGAN博士独家发明,通过口腔舌下毛细血管溶解吸收达到身体细胞100%吸收率,不增加肝肾脏和心脏负担快速地为人体提供旺盛精力。 健康医疗团队共花10年为研究出解决方案,坚持不懈的精神,萃取的天然植物更有生物活化性和保存原有的精华和效果。提高人体对营养的吸收,全方面改善人体衰老,促进血液循环及缓和男性前列腺问题。使人精神充沛,提高人体的爆发力和耐力,适合所有运动爱好者及有效增进房事素质。

According to 2019 global international statistics, a total of 152 million men worldwide are troubled by men's problems. The German R&D team of Dr. The health care team has spent 10 years researching solutions and with perseverance, the extracted natural plants are more bioactive and preserve the original essence and effects. Improve the body's absorption of nutrients, improve human aging in all aspects, promote blood circulation and alleviate male prostate problems. It makes people energetic and improves the body's explosive power and endurance. It is suitable for all sports enthusiasts and effectively improves sexual quality.

开发单位 · 釆用德国先进技术
Research & Development · Adopt German advanced technology


German supercritical fluid CO2 extraction technology

这些特性使到超临界 CO2 能无阻的穿透层层细胞壁,滴水不漏地把每一滴有效精华都萃取,并封存在产品内。
超临界 CO2 能拥有气体及液体的特性: 液体 — 高溶解能力 气体 — 高流动性.

The core of plant cells is to store nutrients, but plant cells are protected by a strong cell wall, and it is difficult for general extraction techniques to touch the hidden active ingredients.
The supercritical fluid state appears when the fluid temperature exceeds its critical temperature and critical pressure, and it is a state between gas and liquid. By controlling temperature and pressure, the fluid can dissolve pure natural plant compounds and selectively extract highly concentrated and effective active essences.
These characteristics enable the supercritical CO2 to penetrate the cell walls unimpededly, extract every drop of effective essence without leaking, and seal it in the product.
Supercritical CO2 can have the characteristics of gas and liquid: Liquid — high solubility Gas — high fluidity


Product Advantages


Improve Body Immunity


Promote Blood Circulation


Regulates Endocrine System


Improvement on Male’s Organ


Improve Microcirculation


Prevent Premature Ejaculation


Improve Liver Condition


Eliminate Fatigure & Endurance


Improve Frequent Urination


Improve Prostate Issues


Regulates Cholesterol Level


Eliminate Radicals & Anti Aging


Improvement on Waist & Knees Soreness


Common Prostate Symptoms


尿次数增多 Frequent Urination


High frequency of uriniation during night, which is 3 to 4 times more than day time. Urination is short and uncontrollable.


夜间尿失禁 Night Urinary Incontinence


Urine flows out uncontrollably during sleeping. On serious cases, urine might flows out during daytime.


性功能下降 Decreased Sexual Performance

影响夫妻生活的素质和质量,严重会导致阳萎、 早泄等等现象。

Potentially affects the affection’s of a couple’s intimate life which will lead to impotence and premature ejaculation.


排尿踌躇不畅 Poor Urination


Patients with prostatitis will feel that urination has become slower than usual. Urine will flow out in a slow manner and discharge become weak. Men with these issue need to be aware of the threat of grandular hyperplasia.


排尿中断 Interrupted Urination


Early symptoms of prostatitis will causes the crystals in the bladder. Bladder stones causes interruption of urination and it is an early symptoms of prostatitis for elderly people. This issue is needed to be alerted as soon as possible


Issues caused by Prostate Problems

Impotence and Premature Ejaculation

If the disease is not cured, it will cause other problems to arise such as discomforts or pain during sexual intercourse. On severe terms, it also poses as a thread towards a couple’s intimate relationship.

Affecting Work Productivity

Untreated diseases will cause inflammation such as lumbosacral, where patients will feel pain and swelling in the testical. The pain is unbearable which will cause work life productivity.

Effect Fertility

Long term chronic inflammation changes the composition of prostatic fluid. Glands secretion is affected which will affects the liquification of semen.

Causes Chronic Nephritis

If prostatitis is not treated in time, it can evolve into benign prostatic hyperplasia. Urine is a good medium for bacterial reproduction and the sole defence mechanism of bladder mucosa. If the disease is not treated, it can lead to nephitis.

Causes Gynecological Inflammation

Prostatitis is transmitable to other people inclduing the spouse of the patientthrough sexual intercourse. Several diseases can be developed such as fungal prostatitis, trichomonas prostatitis and gonorrhea prostate.

Endocrine Disorder will cause Mental Disorder

Due to inflammation of the testical, it can cause neurasthenia issues.Which leads to insomnia, heavy dreams, fatigue and hypertension.Minor symptoms will cause slight memory loss.


我们承诺每件天然健康食品均坚守四大原则: 有功效,纯天然,高效能,绝对安全为顾客提供最优质的产品,让您保持最佳健康状态。我们承诺M&X绝不含激素,不含西药,不含重金属,不含化学成份,无兴奋剂,无副作用,无依赖性,安全食用纯天然水果植物萃取








Suitable For

精力不足 / 缺乏动力

Lack of energy and motivation


Decreased Libido

腰酸肾虚 / 容易疲劳

Backaches and kidney deficiency



阳痿 / 早泄

Impotence / Premature Ejaculation


Unhealthy Sexual Lifestyle

夜尿 / 频尿 / 小便断断续续

Nocturia / Frequent Urination / Intermittent Urination




Do you need it?

· 年龄超过30岁 Over 30 years old

· 性功能下降、无晨勃 Decreased sexual performance

· 早泄、阳痿、勃起问题 Premature Ejaculation

· 肾虚、性欲冷淡、想要提高房事质量者 Kidney deficiency, improvement of sexual intercourse

· 射精无力、房事疲劳、腰酸背疼 Weak Ejaculation and easily fatigue

· 头昏耳鸣、失眠心悸、浑身疲乏者 Dizziness, Tinnitus, Insomnia and Fatigue

· 阴襄潮湿、尿频尿急、尿等待、尿不尽等前列腺 Weak semen flows, Frequent urination, weak ejaculation

· 熬夜、酗酒、吸烟 Stay up late, alcohol and smoking

· 生活规律不正常 Irregular Lifestyle

· 事业工作过度繁忙 Work/Life Unbalance

· 需要补充精力的人群 Urgency to reenergize

· 久坐不动,亚健康人群 Long period of sitting or working

· 经常疲软无力的男性 Hypertension people


Question & Answer

M&X是天然?品吗?M&X a natural food product?

M&X is a natural food product, it is made from natural plants, it helps to promote blood circulation, metabolism, boost your energy and beat your fatigue.

M&X对人体的安全性如何?Is M&X safe for human body?

M&X is safe to use as it extract from plants, it is a food product not medicine.

M&X可以和其它产品一起饮用吗?Can we take M&Xwith other product?


饮用M&X会有依赖性吗?Will we rely on M&X?

No, you won’t.

如何饮用M&X?How do we take M&X?

One packet per day, drink it before meal and drink more water will give the best result.

饮用M&X多久才可见效?How long will it take to show the effect?

一般人在饮用M&X后,2—5 天内都能有很好的效果,增加体力、精力和耐力,让夫妻生活更加美满。
Usually within 2-5 days after taking M&X, you will see the effect. It will be able to boost your energy and endurance, allowing your marriage life gets better.

M&X可以?期饮用吗?Is M&X suitable to drink long term?

Yes, as M&X is a food product, not medicine. Drinking long term will help to boost your energy and beat your fatigue.

女性可以饮用M&X吗?Can woman drink M&X?

Yes. M&X is a wide variety nutritious supplement drink, it helps to improve your body function, activate your cell and beat your fatigue.

饮用M&X能喝酒吗?Can you drink alcohol after taking M&X?

M&X should be taken 2 hours after drinking alcohol.

饮用M&X有哪些良性反应?What result can you get after drinking M&X?

由于M&X促进细胞再生能力,血液循环及前列腺问题。人体会变得精力充沛,提高人体的 爆发力与耐力,适合运动爱好者及有效增加房事素质。
As M&X can regenerate cells, promote blood circulation and prostate problem. You will gain more energy, increasing explosive power and endurance. It is suitable for sports lover and help to improve the quality of sexual life.

M&X有哪些人不宜饮用?Who is not suitable to drink M&X?

It is safe to drink M&X, but for safety issues, children, patients who is doing dialysis, pregnant woman and those breast feeding should avoid drinking.

为何饮用了M&X会腰背酸痛甚至有头晕的现象?Why do I feel aching and dizzy after drinking M&X?

As M&X is a wide variety nutritious supplement, it helps to improve metabolic function, blood circulation and detox, providing more nutrition and energy to the body. During this period, you may feel that your body aching, headache or giddy.This reaction is good and for a short period of time, normally will be gone in a week.

M&X为什么效果那么快?Why M&X has so quick effect?

Adopt the exclusive invention of Dr. XY.MORGAN from Germany. Through the dissolution and absorption of capillaries under the mouth and tongue, it reaches 100% absorption rate of body cells, quickly providing strong energy to the body without increasing the burden on the liver, kidneys and heart.


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